Ferry to Dalaman

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An easy guide for how to get to Dalaman by Ferry, Ports description and recommendations for local public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Dalaman; Destinations and Routes with schedules and prices, Accommodation options with real time Availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Dalaman!

What to do by arriving at Dalaman airport

You have the choice to use the following transfer options for getting to one of ferry port that connects Turkey with Greece.

A) Transfer with private shuttle cars

  • From Dalaman airport to Marmaris port: approx. 43,00 Euro, distance 100 km, duration 1,30 hours
  • From Dalaman airport to Fethiye port: approx. 38,00 Euro, distance 50 km, duration 1 hour
  • From Dalaman airport to Bodrum port: approx. 43,00 Euro, distance 145 km, duration 2,30 hours

B) Regular shuttle bus service with Havas public buses

  • From Dalaman airport to Marmaris port: approx. 15 Turkish Lira, distance 95 km, duration 1,30 hours
  • From Dalaman airport to Fethiye port: approx. 10 Turkish Lira, distance 55 km, duration 1 hour

Departure/Arrival points

  • Dalaman airport: arrival area, Havas shuttle bus
  • Marmaris: main bus terminal (Otogar), Havas shuttle bus
  • Fethiye: Fethiye Intercity Bus Terminal, Havas shuttle bus

Details to Havas shuttle service

Ferry routes from Dalaman's nearby ports

Dalaman: you have to be transferred to the port of Marmaris, to the port of Fethiye or to the port of Bodrum

  • Marmaris: ferry routes to Rhodes
  • Fethiye: ferry routes to Rhodes
  • Bodrum: ferry routes to Kos and Rhodes

Book in advance your ferry route

Arrive in Dalaman airport and get the ferry to Greece from several ferry ports in Turkey
Book your ferry from Marmaris or Fethiye or Bodrum with any ferry company that suits you better and enjoy your ferry trip to Greece! The “Easy-Way” booking system of go-ferry.com, allows the most reliable online ferry reservations and offers cheaper, faster and better services for your ferry to Greece by arriving at the airport of Dalaman.
Passengers are able to connect online with the reservation systems of the most shipping companies and look for the departures from the Turkey ports to Greece (Rhodes and Kos).
Buy your ferry ticket from Marmaris or Fethiye or Bodrum in advance (by arriving at Dalaman airport) and organise your trip from Turkey to Greece, better and on time!

About Dalaman

Dalaman is one of the most popular holiday airports in Turkey. Get important tourist information for your ferry trip to Dalaman and read our recommendations and tips!

Dalaman is primarily known for its universal air terminal which fills in as an entryway to the travelers who visit this piece of Turkey consistently, making a beeline for coastline resorts toward the west and east, for example, Marmaris, Fethiye, Ölüdeniz and Hisarönü.

Aside from avionics, Dalaman plays host to one of Turkey's greatest open jails where less unsafe detainees are sent as a major aspect of their recovery program. A state cultivate is available in Dalaman. Agribusiness, especially citrus natural products, assumes a critical job in the neighborhood economy, since it is arranged in a ripe plain adrift dimension.

Dalaman is a region of regular excellence. It is situated between the ocean and mountains and advantages from its closeness to numerous regions of intrigue both verifiable and geographic intrigue, for example, the Dalyan waterway, mud showers, and antiquated tombs.

Dalaman town itself has numerous shops, eateries, bars and tea plants and is becoming rapidly because of the interest in the zone.

Dalaman has its very own vast common shoreline, in spite of the fact that not excessively marketed it is as yet a wonderful place to visit.

The town is in a perfect world arranged for access to bunches of resort territories yet flawless in the event that you incline toward a calmer place to base yourself.

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