Ferry from Volos to Skiathos

White Walls, Blue Furniture And Colorful Bougainvilla in Skiathos village

An easy guide for how to get from Volos to Skiathos by Ferry, Ports descriptions and recommendations for local public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry Volos to Skiathos; Schedules and prices, Accommodation options with real-time Availability.


How to get from Volos to Skiathos by ferry?

Find here useful information on how to get from Volos to Skiathos by ferry, how to get to the port of departure with the local transport network, timetables and prices for the ferry tickets and available accommodation options for the route Volos to Skiathos.

The itinerary from Volos to Skiathos by ferry is the best choice you have and it can be a very nice and exciting experience especially if there are intermediate stops on another island. Greek islanders are seasoned ferry experts and they prefer to travel by boat because of the convenience and flexibility it offers!

There is a selection of conventional ferries running frequently from Volos to Skiathos with stops along the way. Cars are allowed on most ferries from the mainland to the North Aegean islands at an additional fee and children usually travel at half price!

Enter a date and click on "search" to view updated timetables for the route from Volos to Skiathos!

Note: Each year and depending on the season, there may be more or fewer ferry connections from Volos to Skiathos. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new schedules by the end of December and the rest by January-March!

How to reach the ports

Please click the box and find useful suggestions on how to reach the port of Volos, tips for ground services and public transportation options by arriving in Skiathos with the Ferry.

Prices & availability

With the "Easy-Way" system of go-Ferry.com, you can make the most reliable and flexible online booking of your ferry ticket from Volos to Skiathos!
We will connect you to the booking systems of most ferry operators and will show you:

  • Direct itineraries Volos to Skiathos
  • Alternative routes from Volos to Skiathos
  • Ferry prices Volos to Skiathos
  • Prices for Adults, children, and babies
  • Prices for all vehicle sizes
  • Trailer prices
  • Ticket offers
  • Early booking discount
    With all these options we offer, you can be sure that you will find the best deal for the ferry ticket from Volos to Skiathos at a price that will suit your budget.

Select only the departure port and click on "search". Your journey Volos to Skiathos has begun!


Book in advance your ferry ticket

If your final destination is Skiathos do not neglect to book your ferry tickets early enough to avoid last-minute surprises! We are sure that you do not want to ruin your vacation or change your route because you will not find an itinerary available. How could you feel to be at the departure port and not be able to board the ferry from Volos to Skiathos because it is fully booked?

On the next page, we will mention some reasons that make it necessary to book in advance your ferry Volos to Skiathos!

Accommodation on board

Everything you need to know about ferry types and accommodation options; reserve the ideal accommodation on the ferry from Volos to Skiathos and get fresh and relaxed at your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ferry from Volos to Skiathos.

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