Ferry to Lefkada

Porto Katsiki Beach, Lefkada

An easy guide for how to get to Lefkada by Ferry, schedules and prices for the Ferry to/from Lefkada and recommendations for public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Lefkada; Port description, destinations and Routes with schedules and prices, accommodation options with real time availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Lefkada!

Lefkada by ferry

In the following lines, we have prepared a small user guide that will help passengers to travel to Lefkada as easily and pleasantly as possible.
Find useful information on how to get to Lefkada by ferry, local public transportation options to reach your overnight hotel, port addresses and embarkation offices, ferry schedules and prices, and real-time departures and arrivals.

Lefkada by ferry is the best option you have and it can be a very nice and exciting experience and especially if you are doing some island-hopping too. Greek islanders are seasoned ferry experts and they prefer to travel by ferry because of the convenience and flexibility it affords!

There is a choice of Regular Ferries that are running frequently with stops along the way. Cars are allowed on most ferries, for an additional fee and children usually travel for half price!

Give a date and click on "search" to view the ferry timetables!

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Lefkada. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules by the end of March and the rest of them by April-June each year!

Schedules & prices for Lefkada

With the developed "Easy-Way" system of go-ferry.com, you can make the most reliable and flexible online booking of your ferry ticket!
We will connect you to the booking systems of most ferry operators and will show you:

  • Direct itineraries with schedules to Lefkada
  • Alternative routes to Lefkada
  • Ferry prices
  • Prices for Adults, children, and babies
  • Prices for all vehicle sizes
  • Trailer prices
  • Ticket offers*
  • Early booking discount*

With all these options we offer, you can be sure that you will find the best deal for the ferry ticket to Lefkada at a price that will suit your budget.

*if any

Lefkada ferry tickets

Arrange your ferry ticket in advance.

If your final destination is Lefkada do not neglect to book your ferry tickets early enough to avoid last-minute surprises! We are sure that you do not want to ruin your vacation or change your destination because you will not find an itinerary available. How could you feel to be at the departure port and not be able to board the ferry to Lefkada because it is fully booked?

On this page page, we will mention some reasons that make it necessary to book your ferry tickets to your destination in advance!

Accommodation on the ferry to Lefkada

Book your ideal accommodation on the ferry to Lefkada and arrive fresh and rested to your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ride to or from Lefkada port.

About Lefkada

The island of Lefkada is surrounded by a total of 24 islets, including the renowned island of Scorpios, property of Aristotelis Onassis. In Lefkada, which extends over 302.5 km2, you will find remarkable sights, churches and monasteries, picturesque settlements, green surroundings and wonderful beaches.
The Archaeological, Folklore Museums and the Charamogleios Special Library of Lefkada, which is unique in the world, compose the image of an island with a somewhat "mainland" character ideal for holidays and entertainment.

Lefkada formed part of the coasts of Akarnania until the 6th century B.C. Nowadays, it is considered to be an island, as it is separated from mainland Greece by a canal however a bridge provides access to the island. This along with the fact that it can be frequently reached by ferry boats departing from other Ionian islands as Zante, Ithaca and Kefalonia make Lefkada a very good base for trips and excursions to the Ionian islands and western Greece. Lefkada was named after Lefkatas, a cape located at the southernmost part of the island with its imposing steep white rocks. Lefkada has been inhabited since the Neolithic era. It grew prosperous as a Corinthian colony and formed part of the Epirus Domain after 1204, when Constantinople was conquered by the Franks. Later on Turks, Venetians, French and Englishmen took over the island, until it joined Greece in 1864 along with the rest of the Ionian islands.

What to See in Lefkada

On Foot - Lefkada

  • Capital and port at the same time, the city of Lefkada welcomes visitors with its beautiful narrow streets, small squares, traditional houses, fine belfries and paved pedestrian streets. It is connected with the opposite coastline of Sterea Ellada by a bridge and has approximately 8.000 inhabitants
  • The fortress of Aghia Mavra, situated at the entrance of the city, was built by the Sicilian Ioanni Orsini in 1300. It is built next to an artificial canal on an islet of the lagoon; later, both Venetians and Turks have added some pieces
  • The Bosketo park, which used to be a meeting point for the intelligentsia of the island
  • The pedestrian street along the coast with hangouts for young people, cafés and music bars
  • The Archaeological Museum with findings dating back to the Middle Paleolithicera until the 4th century A.D
  • The Central Public Library which, among other things, possesses a collection of Post-Byzantine Eptanesian icons
  • The Charamogleios Special Library of Lefkada exhibiting rare books, gravures and maps and hosting an art hall, where contemporary painting and photography exhibitions take place
  • The Folklore Museum, with a representation of a traditional house of Lefkada
  • The Museum of Phonograph-Old Souvenirs, with exhibitions of old phonographs, old disks, decorative items-antiques, old banknotes, etc
  • The wetlands of Megalos and Mikros Avlaimonas, two natural fish farms near the town
  • The windmills in Gyra and in the small village Fryni (2km SW), built on a slope with a beautiful view

Levkada Caves

PAPANIKOLIS CAVE. It was the place where boats and sailing boats found shelter when they were threatened by storms. It took its name after “Papanikolis” submarine as the cave was its base during the II World War. Its chamber is very large covering 3.800 sq. m and is the second biggest cave in Greece. You can visit it by boat and you will be amazed by its colossal hall and its rich decoration of stalactites. In the sunlight, the combination of rocks creates thousand colors giving a dreamy atmosphere. At the end of the cave there is a pebbled passage, ideal for walking.
Another cave located in Lefkada close to Spartochori is SPILIA TOU DAIMONA.


A lush green island with three settlements (Spartochori, Vathi, Katomeri) and beautiful beaches located opposite Nydri. It is accessible by boat from Nydri. Meganisi is located 12 n.m. SE of the town Lefkada.

The caves of Demonas and Papanikolis.
The islets of Kastos and Kalamos as well asPrigkiponisa located next to Meganisi.

Useful Information

EKAB (Emergency Ambulance): 166
Lefkas Hospital: 2645025371
Community Doctor Vlicho: 2645095204
Health Centre Vassiliki: 2645031065
Emergency Police: 2645022100
Police - Lefkas Town: 2645022322
Police - Vlicho: 2645095207
Fire - Lefkas Town: 2645022199
Port Police - Lefkas Town: 2645022322
Port Police - Nidri: 2645092509
OTE - Directory Enquiries: 131
DEH - Electricity Problems: 2645021250
Bus Station - Lefkas Town: 2645022364
Lefkada Cultural Association: 2645026635
Olympic Airways Lefkas: 2645022881
Lefkas Town New Marina: 2645026645

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