Ferry to Fourni

Fourni Windmills And Spring Flowers In Fourni Island, Greece

An easy guide for how to get to Fourni by Ferry, schedules and prices for the Ferry to/from Fourni and recommendations for public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Fourni; Port description, destinations and Routes with schedules and prices, accommodation options with real time availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Fourni!

Fourni by ferry

In the following lines, we have prepared a small user guide that will help passengers to travel to Fourni as easily and pleasantly as possible.
Find useful information on how to get to Fourni by ferry, local public transportation options to reach your overnight hotel, port addresses and embarkation offices, ferry schedules and prices, and real-time departures and arrivals.

Fourni by ferry is the best option you have and it can be a very nice and exciting experience and especially if you are doing some island-hopping too. Greek islanders are seasoned ferry experts and they prefer to travel by ferry because of the convenience and flexibility it affords!

There is a choice of Regular Ferries that are running frequently with stops along the way. Cars are allowed on most ferries, for an additional fee and children usually travel for half price!

Give a date and click on "search" to view the ferry timetables!

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Fourni. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules by the end of March and the rest of them by April-June each year!

Schedules & prices for Fourni

With the developed "Easy-Way" system of go-ferry.com, you can make the most reliable and flexible online booking of your ferry ticket!
We will connect you to the booking systems of most ferry operators and will show you:

  • Direct itineraries with schedules to Fourni
  • Alternative routes to Fourni
  • Ferry prices
  • Prices for Adults, children, and babies
  • Prices for all vehicle sizes
  • Trailer prices
  • Ticket offers*
  • Early booking discount*

With all these options we offer, you can be sure that you will find the best deal for the ferry ticket to Fourni at a price that will suit your budget.

*if any

Fourni ferry tickets

Arrange your ferry ticket in advance.

If your final destination is Fourni do not neglect to book your ferry tickets early enough to avoid last-minute surprises! We are sure that you do not want to ruin your vacation or change your destination because you will not find an itinerary available. How could you feel to be at the departure port and not be able to board the ferry to Fourni because it is fully booked?

On this page page, we will mention some reasons that make it necessary to book your ferry tickets to your destination in advance!

Accommodation on the ferry to Fourni

Book your ideal accommodation on the ferry to Fourni and arrive fresh and rested to your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ride to or from Fourni port.

About Fourni

Known also as Fourni Corseon, because particularly during the Byzantine times it was a Corsair base. Corsairs do not exist anymore, but Fourni continue to steal the hearts of the visitors. It is an island complex between Ikaria and Samos, which includes three big islands (Fourni, Thymaina and Aghios Minas) and nine smaller. Fourni extends over a surface of 44.3 km2, the coastline is 29 km long, and have approximately 2,000 inhabitants. It was incorporated to the Greek state in November 1912.

What to see in Fourni

  • The beach Vlychada
  • The beach Vitsilia
  • The beach Petrokopio
  • The beach Elidaki
  • The beach Bali

Useful information

Internet web page of Fournous: www.geocities.com/fournoi_Korseon

Several times a week the Piraeus-Samos car-ferries go to Fourni. However, their timetables do not depend on flight schedules at the airport of Athen or Samos, so plan to stay for a night or two.
Hydrofoils along the Samos-Patmos route include Fourni in their schedule in summer once or twice a week. While this is the fastest way to cross the sea, these old Russian-designed yellow-blue sporty vessels need the occasional unscheduled maintenance job, most likely just as you were planning to book a fare. Note: Stormy seas keep hydrofoils moored in port. Can also be book at Irini Karla.

Lefteris Kotteras
Lefteris Kotteras is the man you can count on - at least if it's about seafaring he is a reliable and capable partner. Lefteris transports Humans as well as animals between the archipelago of Fourni. If the weather is settled he also goes to Samos, Ikaria and Patmos.

  • telephone: 0030-22750-32247
  • mobile: 0030-6977882849

Port Police Fourni
Everytime a ship arrives at the harbour, the port police take centre stage, clad in sparkling white and equipped with whistles. Depending on the weather they decide who can sail from the port and who is allowed to enter. In fact, for timetable information approaching any degree of reliability, they are your best source. Particularly when there is no ship in sight, that is when you find them in their first floor office above Nikos restaurant.

  • Port police phone: 0030-22750-51207
  • Folegandros Commune: 22750-51366
  • Port Authority: 22750-51207, 22750-51283
  • Police: 22750-51222
  • Medical Unit: 22750-51202
  • Pharmacy: 22750-51188
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