Ferry to Ancona

Bright Summer View Of Cattedrale Di San Ciriaco Church And San Gregorio Illuminatore in Ancona

An Easy Guide for the ferry to Ancona. Schedules, Prices, and Recommendations for Public Transportation Services. Explore the Website and Find All the Necessary Details; Ports Description, Destinations, and Routes with Schedules and Prices. Accommodation Options with Real Time Availability and Helpful Tips for Transfer Opportunities in Ancona!

In the following lines, we have prepared a small user guide that will help passengers reach Ancona ferry port as easily and pleasantly as possible.

Find useful information on how to reach Ancona port of departure, local public transportation options to reach the port of Ancona, port addresses and embarkation offices, ferry schedules and prices, and real-time departures with the ferry to Ancona.

Ancona port

The port of Ancona is located in central Italy and about 280 km northeast of Rome, on the Adriatic Sea, and is classified as an international port by the European Union. There are daily departures to Greece, Croatia, and Albania.

Details for the port of Ancona

Port of Ancona
Via Einaudi snc
60122 Ancona
GPS coordinates: 43.612384, 13.499809

How to reach the port and the ticket check-in offices by car

Coming from North Italy
If you are on Motorway A14, take the exit to "Ancona Nord" (15 km to the Port). At the exit take the SS76 towards Ancona and follow the signs to the ferry check-in building (Ancona Ferries Terminal). After about 8 km take the exit "Turrets - Porto - Boarding" and continue until you reach the main road that runs along the coast of Ancona’s port. After 2 km take the exit "Port" on your right and, at the end of the straight, you will find the “Ancona Ferries Terminal”.

Coming from South Italy
If you are driving the highway A14, take the Exit to "ANCONA SUD" (Ancona South, 12 km to the Port). Go straight at the roundabout located after about 400 meters, turn left, and take the SS16 towards Ancona Center. After 4 km take the "Ancona Centro" exit and continue on the 2-lane road for 5km to its end. At the traffic light go straight on for 300 metres until the roundabout in front of the gallery where to take the third exit. Continue through "Via Martiri della Resistenza" for 1 km, go straight at the roundabout, and enter “Via De Gasperi”. At the traffic light go straight until you reach a roundabout where turn right. After 200 meters take the exit "Port" and after a short stretch of elevated road you will reach “Ancona Ferries Terminal”.

How to reach the embarkation area of Ancona (after ticket check-in)

By foot: Take the free shuttle bus n. 20 (circular departures every 20-30 minutes)

By car: Exit the passenger terminal, enter the roundabout, and take the fourth (4th) exit. Continue until you enter another roundabout with an anchor in the middle. Take the first exit and pass the railroad. Continue for 300 meters until you reach the security gate access.

How to reach Ancona ferries terminal from the central railway station

Once arrive at Ancona’s train central station you can reach the Check-in office by bus. Take bus number 12 (or number 20) that quickly reaches the “Ancona Ferries Terminal”. The bus ticket is free for ferry passengers from Ancona Port. The travel time is about 10 minutes. After getting your boarding pass, take the free shuttle bus n. 20 (circular departures every 20-30 minutes).

How to reach Ancona port from Falconara Airport

Take the shuttle Aerobus Raffello to Ancona Central Railway Station. Tickets are sold on the bus and cost about 1,50 euros.

Once arrive in front of Ancona’s railway station follow the instructions above “How to reach Ancona Ferries Terminal from the Central Railway Station”.

For further details about local transportation options, please check the "Useful Information" tab.

Note: All the above information for Ancona port was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice.

Schedules, prices and availability to Ancona by ferry

Book your ferry to Ancona with any ferry company that suits you better and enjoy your ferry trip to your destination! The “Easy-Way” booking system of go-ferry.com, allows the most reliable online ferry reservations and offers cheaper, faster, and better services for your ticket to and from Ancona.

With go-ferry.com you can connect online with the reservation systems of most shipping companies, to compare prices, find information about routes and vessels, look for alternative routes, and print instantly your prepaid Ancona ferry ticket. Ferry schedules may change by season, so take an optical canvassing via our search engine to receive the latest cull of dates, schedules, prices, and availability. With so many accommodation options to pull from, you can be sure to find the best deal for the ferry ticket to and from Ancona at a price that fits your budget.

Ferry destinations from Ancona

Complete the below fields and click on "search" to find timetables and compare the prices of all ferry companies that run from and to Ancona Port!

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Ancona. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules by the end of December and the rest of them by January-March each year!

Book in advance your ferry to Ancona

Arrange your ferry journey in advance

You must organize your ferry to Ancona in advance, having arranged all the details. You don't want something to go wrong, and you can achieve perfect holidays with a great organization. In addition to hotel accommodation and air tickets, when you book the boat tickets to or from Ancona you know that everything is under control even before leaving home.

There are many reasons why you should arrange to book in advance your ferry ticket. Here are some of the most important:

Pay for a Hotel in Ancona without using it!
During the high season in Italy, and especially in July and August, it is likely that you won't find ferry tickets to popular destinations if you don't book them in advance. So, don't make the mistake of booking your hotel on Ancona without having booked the ferry pass to Ancona. The last thing you want is to get to the port and not find an available ferry to Ancona!

Save time in Ancona!
Although we charge a commission for acquiring ferry bookings to Ancona, this allows you not only to secure your tickets but also to save time in Ancona. A first-class service is included!

Have a bigger choice of ferry tickets!
Buying in advance gives you a better chance of getting the ferry tickets to Ancona for the ferry and the schedule you prefer. It does not make sense that your trip to/from Ancona is interrupted by not finding available ferry departures, but it is possible.

Find more ferry routes!
If you want to organize your trip to or from Ancona, it is wise to check all the possible routes and timelines to make the right combinations between Ancona and the islands as well as between the air and the ferry tickets. Online, you can have an overview of all the routes going to Ancona.

Get the best deal!
Ferry tickets to Ancona can be expensive, so it’s natural to want to get the best deal on them. It has become a regular practice for ferries to announce special rates and deep discounts for booking tickets to or from Ancona up to 3-6 months in advance.

Feels great having ferry confirmation in your pocket!
You will feel a great feeling when having the ferry confirmation to or from Ancona in your hands. The reservation with us will allow you to secure your tickets to or from Ancona, you will be relieved to have the confirmation in your hands or on your smartphone!

Accommodation options on the ferry to Ancona

Book your ideal accommodation option on the ferry to Ancona and arrive fresh and rested at your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins, or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose from for a day or night ride.

About Ancona

The busy administrative capital of the Marche and the largest city in the region may not seem an obvious tourist centre. Give it time, though, and you may acquire a taste for the salt and spice of this restless seaport.

Built on two hills that form an amphitheatre around the harbour, it was settled in the 4th BC by Greek colonists from Syracuse.

Later, the Romans exploited its sheltered anchorage and in 115 AD, under Emperor Trajan, the present harbour walls were raised; the stately ceremonial marble arch standing forlornly at the end of the docks marks his achievement.

In the Middle Ages, the forces of the German Emperors, the Church and the Venetian Republic each made sure that Ancona was never able to establish itself as a powerful maritime republic. In 1532 it slid compliantly into the hands of the Papal States where it remained until the Unification of Italy.

Neither was the 20th kind to this old city; badly bombed in the 2nd World War, it was again brought to its knees by a major earthquake in 1972.

What to see in Ancona

The oldest part of town straddles Colle Guasco, the hill above the port. On its peak, high above the agitation of the modern city, stands Ancona's finest church and its most obvious landmark, the Medieval Cathedral of San Ciriaco, a pleasing mix of Romanesque and Gothic.

The austere interior is picked out with exotic Byzantine touches, a painted wooden roof in the form of an upturned boat, and a soaring 12-sided cupola - a place to linger in out of the summer heat. In the crypt, you can glimpse the remains of an ancient pagan temple that provided the foundation for the church.

To see the rest of the best, start your walk from the bottom of Corso Stamira down by the ferry docks. After noting the Venetian-Gothic facade of the ruined church of San Agostino cut across to nearby Piazza della Repubblica where Corso Garibaldi and Corso Mazzini start (the other two Corsi that complete the city's trinity of parallel main streets).

The 19th Teatro delle Muse that boxes in the square has now been re-opened after complete restoration. From here take a brief detour up Corso Mazzini to see the 16thC Fontana del Calamo, a regimented row of 13 masked spouts.

Back down in Piazza della Repubblica, amble along Via della Loggia to see the statue-decked Loggia dei Mercanti, an outstanding example of florid Late Venetian-Gothic (the influence of Venice is never very far away here). Further on is the singular 13thC front of Santa Maria della Piazza, rows of blind arches, and plenty of fidgety carving. Inside, a glass panel in the pavement allows you to see the remains of the even older church below.

From Via della Loggia walk up to Piazza del Plebiscito ruled over by a resplendent if cracked statue of Pope Clement XII. Over his shoulder is the Neoclassical Church of San Domenico with a stirring Titian Crucifixion above the high altar. As you climb up from the square on Via Pizzecolli you are in the heart of the oldest part of the city. Palazzo Bosdari at no.17 guards Ancona's Pinacoteca; paintings to look for here are Crivelli's chilly Madonna and Child, Titian's Virgin with Child and Saints, and Lorenzo Lotto's Sacra Conversazione.

Further up you can rest your legs as you admire the bird's eye views of the port from Piazza Stracca. A few paces on is Palazzo Ferretti, home of the Museo Archeologico delle Marche, an outstanding collection of antique nick-nacks - black and red Attic vases, Etruscan bronzes, and Iron Age jewelry. The extraordinary Bronzi Dorati, a group of gilded bronze statues dating back to the 1st century AD, is also on part-time display here when they are not at Pergola.

As you wind onwards and upwards through deserted Piazza del Senato and up Via Giovanni XXIII you will catch glimpses of the ruins of the Roman amphitheater behind. A last effort and you are on the summit of Colle Guasco, with breathtaking views out to sea and the white, wind-blown face of the Cathedral behind you. Now take a sprightly walk back down for a fish lunch.

Useful information

Ancona Falconara Airport: 0039 071 28271, 0039 071 2827491
Ancona Port Authority: 0039 071 207891
Ancona railway station: 0039 071 42250
Trenitalia call centre: 89 20 21
Tourist information: 0039 071 2222448, 0039 071 358991
Public Bus: 0039 071 2802092
Taxi stations: 0039 071 2810447, 0039 071 43321, 0039 071 202895, 0039 071 889487

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