Ferry to Arbatax

Flower pot with a pool and the sea in the background in Arbatax

An easy guide on how to get to Arbatax by ferry, schedules and prices for the ferry to Arbatax and recommendations for public transportation options. Explore our website and find all necessary details for the ferry to Arbatax, plus connected routes with frequency, accommodation options on board with real-time availability.

In the following lines, we have prepared a small user guide that will inform passengers on how to get to Arbatax by ferry as easily and pleasantly as possible, also to know in advance the available transportation services offered in the town.

There is a choice of regular (conventional) ferries running frequently from/to Arbatax without stops along the way.

 The most popular route to Arbatax is the:

  • Civitavecchia to Arbatax, with a duration of 9 hours. Night departure only

Timetables were accurate when they were published, but can change without notice

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to and from Arbatax. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules by the end of December and the rest of them by January-March each year!

Prices of the ferry ticket to Arbatax

Book your ticket with any ferry operator that suits you better and enjoy your journey on board! The “Easy-Way” booking system of go-ferry.com, allows the most reliable online ferry reservations and offers flexibility and faster services.

With go-ferry.com you are able to connect online with the reservation systems of most shipping companies, compare prices, find information about routes and vessels, look for alternative routes and instantly print your ferry ticket.

Ferry timetables and prices may change by season, so take an optical canvassing via our search engine to receive the latest call with real-time availability.

Complete the fields below and view the actual prices of the ferry ticket to Arbatax!

Accommodation on the ferry

Find out about the ferry types, choose the ideal accommodation option on the ferry to Arbatax and get fresh and relaxed at your destination. Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for the night ferry. 

Notice: Since it is a night departure and a long journey, a cabin would be the best choice for your crossing. 

Ground services in Arbatax

Arbatax is a little town which can easily be walked. There are many pedestrian roads throughout the town and most tourists prefer to stroll around instead of using the public means of transportation. However, if you want to use them, here are your alternatives:


  • A bus company is operating in Arbatax and in the areas around. For the timetables, click here


  • Click here to schedule a taxi transfer or call +39 339 160 2132

Notice: If you have landed at the airport of Arbatax and you wish to reach the city, the only way is by getting a taxi from the arrivals terminals or by arranging a transfer at the Arbatax taxi website.

About Arbatax

Arbatax is located in the east side of middle Sardinia and belongs in the municipality of Tortoli. Its name derives from Arabian and its meaning is "14th tower", which possibly refers to its historical tower used for protection in ancient times. Arbatax is surely on of the most popular tourist resorts in the entire island of Sardinia and is preferred by thousands of people each year.

The highlights of the town are its red rock formations (Rosse Rocce) close to the port, its rich nature and the echanting old city overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea. Moreover, you should also visit the village of San Lussurioso, the 10th century ruins of Nuraghe Serbissi and Torre di San Gemiliano. Of course, the city itself is providing extraordinary views and beautiful paths to walk around, as well as tasteful dishes such as, burrida, porcetto, culurgiones and their wine Cannonau.

The town offers some great beaches too. Make sure you visit San Gemiliano, Lido di Orri, Riva di Ponente, Cala Moresca and its most famous one, Rocce Rosse with the red cliffs coming out from the turquise sea.

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