Ferry from Genoa to Tunis

Beautiful view of traditional houses in Tunis and the sea in the background

Take the ferry from Genoa to Tunis for a comfortable voyage. Compare carriers, get the best offers and reserve your ferry boat tickets as soon as possible!

How to get from Genoa to Tunis by ferry?

Choose a ferry company

When making your decision, keep in mind cost, travel duration, onboard facilities (restaurants, bars, etc.) and departure times.

Book your ferry ticket

Once you've decided on a carrier, you may purchase your ferry ticket in just a few steps through our online booking system.

Check passport & visa requirements

Make that your passport is valid for at least six months after your trip date and that you have the requisite visa. Visa requirements may change, so verify with the Tunisian embassy or consulate in your home country well in advance of your travel.

Pack for the journey

Prepare the essentials having in mind it is a long journey. The boat ride from Genoa to Tunis normally takes roughly 22 hours. Pack comfortable clothing, toiletries, sunscreen, a cap and a book or two to keep you interested during the trip.

Check-in at the port

Arrive at Genoa's port well ahead of your scheduled departure time. Have your passport and ferry ticket available. You may also be required to undergo security checks.

Enjoy your ferry trip

Relax on board and take use of the. Some ships often have restaurants, bars, stores and even swimming pools. The journey provides an excellent opportunity to unwind and admire the sights of the Mediterranean Sea.

Relax on board and take use of the available onboard amenities. Some ships have restaurants, bars, boutiques and even swimming pools. The voyage offers a fantastic opportunity to relax and enjoy the scenery of the Mediterranean Sea.

Disembarkation in Tunis

When the ship arrives in Tunis, you will need to disembark and clear customs and immigration. Once you've cleared customs, you may grab your bags and head into Tunis.

Tips for your journey

Before you depart

  • Book ahead of time: Ferries fill up quickly, especially during high season. Booking your ticket in advance assures that you receive a place and potentially a better rate
  • Select your accommodation: Choose between a cabin (for more privacy and comfort) and a reclining seat (for a lower cost). When making a decision, consider issues such as travel time and finances
  • Pack smart: Pack for a 20-hour travel with comfortable clothing, temperature layers, toiletries, prescriptions, sunscreen, a cap, and entertainment (books, games, etc.). Don't forget your passport and any essential visas
  • Bring entertainment: Download a movie or an ebook, in case the ferry's WiFi is restricted or costly
  • Check currency exchange: Consider exchanging some dollars into Tunisian dinars (TND) before departure, or see if the boat has exchange facilities accessible

Onboard the ferry

  • Pack snacks: While meals may be included in your ticket or available for purchase onboard, having additional snacks on hand could be handy, especially if you have dietary restrictions or find the ship's items overpriced
  • Eliminate seasickness: If you're prone to seasickness, carry prescription or natural remedies like ginger candies
  • Enjoy the fresh air: Spend some time relaxing on deck and enjoying the views of the Mediterranean
  • Relax & unwind: This is your opportunity to relax after the rush and bustle of travel

Additional tips

  • Learn some fundamental Tunisian words: A few simple phrases may go a long way toward demonstrating respect and enriching your stay in Tunis
  • Check the weather forecast: Pack for the predicted weather in Tunis when you arrive
  • Prepare for customs: Make sure your passport and any other relevant papers are ready for customs checks in Tunis

What is the distance between Genoa & Tunis?

The distance between the two cities is around 547 nautical miles (847 kilometers).

What is the travel time of the ferry ride from Genoa to Tunis?

The ferry ride usually takes from 22 to 25 hours, depending mostly on the vessel and weather conditions.

About Genoa & Tunis

Genoa is a port city in northwest Italy. It's famous for its rich history, picturesque harbor, and delectable cuisine. Here are a few of the highlights:

  • Old city: The old city of Genoa is a tangle of tiny alleys, squares and palaces. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an excellent spot to roam and take up the ambiance
  • Palazzi dei Rolli: The Palazzi dei Rolli are a collection of 42 mansions erected by rich Genoese families throughout the 16th and 17th century. They are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites, with some accessible to the public
  • San Lorenzo Cathedral: This stunning cathedral is one of Genoa's most significant ecclesiastical structures. Construction began in the 12th century and is a blend of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance styles
  • Acquario di Genoa: This is Italy's largest aquarium and the second-largest in Europe. It's home to a diverse range of marine species from throughout the world
  • The Lanterna: This 16th-century lighthouse is the tallest in the Mediterranean Sea, providing breathtaking views of the city

Tunis is the capital and largest city in Tunisia. It's a bustling city with Arabic, French, and African influences. Here are some of the highlights:

  • Medina of Tunis: The medina is Tunis's historic city core. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site with a tangle of small lanes, souks (markets) and mosques
  • Zitouna Mosque: This is Tunis' biggest mosque and one of the world's oldest. It was constructed in the 7th century and is a stunning example of Islamic architecture
  • Bardo Museum: This museum exhibits one of the most important Roman mosaic collections in the world. It also houses a significant collection of Islamic art and antiquities
  • Carthage: This ancient city, located just outside of Tunis, was once a prominent Mediterranean force. The remnants of the Punic, Roman and Byzantine cities are visible
  • Beach resorts: Tunisia is a famous beach vacation and there are several beach resorts around Tunis. These are excellent spots for relaxation and sunbathing
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