Ferry to Brindisi

Madonna Della Grata Church in Brindisi

A practical guide for how to reach Brindisi Ferry Port, schedules and prices for Ferry Brindisi and recommendations for public transportation services. Explore the website and find all necessary details for the Ferry to Brindisi; Connected Routes with departures and frequency, Accommodation options with real-time Availability and helpful tips for transfer opportunities in Brindisi!

Find useful information on how to reach Brindisi port of departure, local public transportation options to reach the port of Brindisi, port addresses and embarkation offices, ferry schedules and prices, and real-time departures with the ferry from/to Brindisi.

Brindisi port

Brindisi Port has a wonderful natural harbor that thanks to its geographic location has always been known as one of the safest of the Adriatic Sea.

Popular ferry routes departing from Brindisi port

Brindisi Ferries Terminal
Costa Morena Terminal - C.da Pandi
72100 Brindisi
Tel. +39 0831 548116
GPS coordinates: 40.645293, 17.96057

How to reach Brindisi port by car

Coming from North
Exit the road SS379 to get the road SS16 until you reach the exit ZONA INDUSTRIALE/PORTO/LECCE. Continue till the exit GRECIA/PORTO/ZONA INDUSTRIALE and follow to PORTO/COSTA MORENA/GRECIA.

Coming from the south
Follow the indications of the exit "Lecce/Zona Industriale/Porto". Continue until the exit "Grecia/Porto/Zona Industriale" and then follow the sign "Porto/Costa Morena/Grecia".

How to get from Brindisi railway station to Brindisi ferry terminal

Take the circle public line from Piazza Crispi – FS Railway station to car park of via del Mare (5-10 walking minutes to Costa Morena Terminal). The service runs every 30 min. from 5:30 am to 11:45 pm and the ticket price is about 1,50 Euro.

Note: All above information for Brindisi Port was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice.

Schedules, prices and availability to Brindisi by ferry

Book your ferry tickets with any ferry company that suits you better and enjoy your ferry trip to your destination! The “Easy-Way” booking system of go-ferry.com, allows the most reliable online ferry reservations and offers cheaper, faster and better services for your ticket.

With go-Ferry.com you are able to connect online with the reservation systems of the most shipping companies, to compare prices, to find information about routes and vessels, to look for alternative routes and to print instantly your prepaid ferry ticket. Ferry schedules may change by season, so take an optical canvassing via our search engine to receive the latest cull of dates, schedules, prices and availability to Brindisi. With so many accommodation options to cull from, you can be sure to find the best deal for the ferry ticket to Brindisi at a price that fits your budget.

Ferry departures

Complete the under bellow fields and click on SHOW to find timetables and to compare the prices of all ferry companies that run to and from Brindisi Port!

Notice: Each year and depending on the period, there may be more or fewer connections to Brindisi. The biggest shipping companies (ferry operators) announce the new ferry schedules from and to Brindisi by the end of December and the rest of them by January-March each year!

Book in advance your ferry to Brindisi

Arrange your ferry journey in advance

It is very important that you have organized your ferry to or from Brindisi in advance, having arranged all the details. You don't want something to go wrong, and you can achieve perfect holidays with a great organization. In addition to hotel accommodation and air-tickets, when you book the boat tickets to or from Brindisi you know that everything is under control even before leaving home.

There are many reasons why you should arrange to book in advance your ferry ticket. Here are some of the most important:

Pay for Hotel in without using it!
During the high season in Brindisi, and especially in July and August, it is likely that you won't find ferry tickets to popular destinations if you don't book them in advance. So, don't make the mistake to book your hotel on Brindisi without having booked the ferry pass. The last thing you want is to get to the port and not find an available ferry to Brindisi!

Save time in Brindisi!
Although we charge a commission for acquiring ferry bookings, this allows you not only to secure your tickets but also to save time in Brindisi; besides receiving a service and attention of first.

Have a bigger choice of ferry tickets!
Buying in advance gives you a better chance of getting the ferry tickets, on the ferry you prefer and at the schedule you want. It does not make sense that your trip to - from Brindisi is interrupted by not finding available ferry departures, but it is possible.

Find more ferry routes!
If you want to organize your trip to or from Brindisi, it is wise to check all the possible routes and timelines in order to make the right combinations between Brindisi and the islands as well as between the air and the ferry tickets. Online, you can have an overview of all the routes going to Brindisi.

Get the best deal!
Ferry tickets to - from Brindisi can be expensive, so it’s natural to want to get the best deal on them. It has become a regular practice for ferries to announce special rates and deep discounts for booking tickets to or from Brindisi up to 3-6 months in advance.

Feeling Great having ferry confirmation in your pocket!
You will feel a great feeling when having the ferry confirmation to Brindisi in your hands. The reservation with us will allow you to secure your tickets to Brindisi, you will be relieved to have the confirmation in your hands or on your smartphone!

Accommodation options on the ferry to Brindisi

Book your ideal accommodation option on the ferry to Brindisi and arrive fresh and rested to your destination! Comfortable armchairs, business class comfort seats, outside and inside cabins or economy deck chairs. There is a range of accommodation options to choose for a day or night ride to or from Brindisi port.

About Brindisi

The province of Brindisi is an integral part of the Salento peninsula and marks the transition between the Land of Bari and the Plateau of Lecce. The hinterland has always been influenced by the development of the main city and its maritime trade. The port of Brindisi played an important role already at during the Roman Empire because of its relations to the East. That natural harbour was almost a necessary stop for Romans, Crusaders and Venetian merchants. At the end of the 1800s the company “Valigia delle Indie” selected Brindisi for its maritime railway connections to the East and today Brindisi remains the best port in terms of the relations of Italy to Greece. Many tourist resorts are available along the coast, but mention must be made of the protected area of Torre Guaceto, particularly for those who love being in touch with nature.

Brindisi is in the Salento plains and on the Adriatic sea, with a natural harbourjutting into the land and whose deer-like shape determined the name of the town. The town, once the main base of theMessapian civilization, always conflicted with neigbouring Taranto and was conquered by the Romans in 267 b.c. Connected to the capital of the Empire byvia Appia and via Traiana, it was an extremely important trading centre and episcopal base as from the start of the apostolic age. Conquered by the Goths and then ruled by Byzantium, the town wasdestroyed by the Lombards in 674 and its Guaceto Tower became a Saracen base. Brindisi then shared the fate of all towns in the Region and was ruled by Byzantines, Normans, Swabians, Angevins and Aragons. Its port was conquered by the Venetian marine Republic and then subjected to the rule of Naples. Its period of greatest glory was at the time of the Unification of Italy, and for five months in the following century, between 1943 and 1944, when Brindisi even played a role as capital of Italy.

What to see in Brindisi

An absolute must see at Brindisi is the Aragon Castle, a “sea fort” built to defend the town in 1491 on the island facing the harbour. The Castle is in two distinct parts: the “Red Castle”, built out of red stone, and the Fort, used to house the garrisons. The town’s second fort is theSwabian Castle or “Large Castle”, built on the order of Frederick II as a fortified residence for the garrisons and with material obtained from demolishing part of the old town walls and several of the town’s monuments. Places definitely not to be missed in the town centre are thePorticato dei De Cateniano that once belonged to the Hospital order of the Jerusalem Knights, the Provincial Archaeology Museum, the Loggia of Palazzo Balsamo and the Diocesan Museum. In the San Pietro degli Schiavoni district, it is worth visiting thearchaeological area with its Roman zone, comprising a thermal spa, houses and road. Nearby are also five lime baths for filtering potable water. Beside road San Vito is the Tancredi Fountain erected on the order of Emperor Tancredi in 1192 to celebrate the marriage of his son Ruggero to Irene, the daughter of the Emperor of Constantinople.

Traditional rites worth attending include the sea Procession of Patron Saints during the first week in September, the Adorned Horse of Corpus Domini and Osanna, a religious rite of Greek origin that has taken place ever since the mid 10th century.

Worth visiting

  • Feast of the patron saints Teodoro d’Amasea and San Lorenzo da Brindisi
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria del Casale
  • Brindisi Suevian Castle
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria degli Angeli -Church of St. Mary of the Angels
  • Duomo di Brindisi
  • End Column of the Via Appia
  • Palazzo del Seminario
  • Processione del Cavallo Parato
  • Punta della Contessa Salt Pans
  • "F. Ribezzo" Province Archeological Museum

Useful Information

Port Authority: +39 0831 562650649, +39 0831 414423, +39.083121022
Port first Aid station: 0831/590220 - 0831/590401

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