Ferry from Venice to Igoumenitsa

Aerial View of Igoumenitsa City Port

Book your ferry from Venice to Igoumenitsa in advance, especially during peak season and discover hidden gems or embark on island hopping adventures upon arrival!

What is the distance between Venice and Igoumenitsa?

The ferry distance between the port of Fusina, in Venice, and the port of Igoumenitsa, is around 587 nautical miles (1087 kilometers).

How much is the travel time from Venice to Igoumenitsa?

The duration of the journey is generally 25-26 hours.

Useful tips

Before the journey

  • Book in advance ferry tickets from Venice to Igoumenitsa: This journey, particularly during high summer months, can fill up quickly. Purchase tickets in advance to secure your position
  • Compare options: This route is served by a number of different ferry companies. Before booking, compare rates, journey schedules and onboard amenities such as restaurants, bars, and staterooms
  • Book a cabin (optional): Consider hiring a cabin for added privacy and comfort, especially if traveling at night
  • Check the visa requirements for Italy and Greece based on your nationality
  • Bring cash (optional). While certain onboard services may accept cards, having few Euros in cash can be useful for little purchases or tipping

During the journey

  • It's a long trip, so bring comfortable clothing, layers for temperature variations and a swimsuit if your ferry offers a pool or jacuzzi
  • Bring novels, playing cards, or download movies/shows to keep oneself engaged on the trip
  • The ferry voyage provides stunning views of the Adriatic sea. Relax on deck, breathe fresh air and take in the scenery

After the journey

  • The disembarkation process may take some time, so be patient and follow the instructions
  • If you have onward travel plans, make sure you know how to get to your next location from the port (bus, cab, etc.). Visit our Venice and Igoumenitsa pages to learn more about public transportation options
  • Explore Igoumenitsa. While Igoumenitsa is predominantly a port city, you may have time to visit its hidden jewels, such as beaches, or enjoy a fantastic seafood feast before continuing your journey

About Venice & Igoumenitsa

Venice, the "City of Canals," is a must-see destination for any tourist. It is a city unlike any other, with romance, history and an indelible appeal. Take a traditional gondola ride around Venice's canals to experience the city's enchantment. Visit St. Mark's Square, the Doge's Palace and the Rialto Bridge which are must-see attractions with breathtaking architecture and a fascinating history. Get lost in the convoluted alleyways, uncover secret squares and come across delightful cafés. For one-of-a-kind experiences, travel to Burano and Murano, its two beautiful islands. The Venezia Unica Pass gives cheap admission to attractions as well as unlimited trips on the public water transport (vaporetto). Venice may get busy, especially during the high season. Plan appropriately, or go exploring during the shoulder seasons.

Igoumenitsa, Greece, may not be a popular tourist destination, but it is an important stop for ferries connecting the Greek mainland to Italy and the Ionian Islands. While ferries are the primary attraction, Igoumenitsa also has hidden jewels, stunning beaches and a laid-back ambiance for visitors looking for an off-the-beaten-path experience. Take a break from touring and enjoy the Mediterranean sun at Megali Ammos or Bella Vraka beaches. Both include golden sands and crystal-clear waters. Explore Kalodiki Wetland, a protected region famed for its varied biodiversity and tranquil setting. Enjoy wonderful fresh seafood dishes in Igoumenitsa's waterfront restaurants while enjoying the relaxing environment.

Igoumenitsa's strategic location makes it ideal for exploring the surrounding intriguing destinations:

  • Parga, a delightful seaside town famed for its Venetian castle, attractive port and stunning beaches
  • Syvota: Discover the breathtaking Syvota archipelago, a collection of small islands with secluded coves, blue waters and hidden beaches
  • Corfu: Board a ferry to Corfu, a larger island noted for its Venetian Old Town, beautiful beaches and rich cultural legacy
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